Endorsement of Nefesh HaTzimtzum
Rabbi Moshe Schatz, Kabbalist and Author.
Rabbi Moshe Schatz 17a Givat Shaul St. Jerusalem, 9547762 Israel Tel. 972-2-6512649 Fax 972-2-6535438 Author: Sparks of the Hidden Light |
משה שץרחוב גבעת שאול 17 א ירושלים עיה”ק תיקון ליל שבועות הרש”ש זיע”א עטרת תפארת כתר מלכות על ספירת העומר מעין משה |
Dec. 26, 2013 כ”ג טבת תשע”ד
Nefesh HaTzimtzum is a monumental and awe-inspiring work which for the first time in any language brings together and truly explains the teachings and the worldview of Rabbi Chaim Volozhin זצללה”ה in his Nefesh HaChaim and all of his related writings. The challenging style and level of difficulty of R. Chaim’s writings has until now made them inaccessible to all except for the most seasoned scholar. However, Nefesh HaTzimtzum has overcome all of these challenges by making R. Chaim’s teachings truly accessible to English speakers especially with its innovative presentation format. The work is extensive and great effort has been expended to provide the background source material for many of R. Chaim’s source references so that the reader can gain a real in-depth understanding of all of R. Chaim’s messages. A work of this significance must also be published in Hebrew and hopefully, God willing, that will happen in due course. I would like to note that the Hebrew text in this edition has been compared with all the editions available and any apparent typos and mistakes have been corrected. Of course it goes without saying that where it is evident that R. Chaim quoted a source version that could not be corroborated, it has been left unchanged. Therefore, the Hebrew text is probably the most accurate and authoritative version ever printed. On seeing the huge manuscript that Avinoam Fraenkel שליט”א brought me over a year and a half ago, I did not know how I would fit its review into my schedule. However, Hashgacha Elyona, Divine Providence, had it that I must get involved. I taught him fundamental concepts of the Arizal’s Etz Chaim (Tree of Life of Rabbi Isaac Luria, known as “Arizal”) and Leshem Shevo VeAchlama of Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv (who wrote an extensive commentary on Etz Chaim) which became the basis of the Appendix, “Tzimtzum – the Key to Nefesh HaChaim”. My lengthy discussions and learning sessions with Avinoam about the process of Tzimtzum, etc., enabled me to see his ability to develop throughout this whole period. I observed how he grew from his previous understanding of the Tzimtzum process and debate which was based on centuries of total confusion by many of our great Rabbis. He wrote and rewrote the Tzimtzum Appendix several times over a period of more than a year. Towards the end of these learning sessions together new insight was gained about this topic which prompted Avinoam to rewrite it again one final time. It now proves eloquently and beautifully that in essence, once you understand the Arizal properly, the understanding of Tzimtzum is unequivocally the same from the points of view of the Vilna Gaon, the Baal Tanya, the Nefesh HaChaim and the Leshem, and their understanding is entirely drawn directly from the Arizal! What caused the confusion with the Tzimtzum debate until today is the concept of the “Exile of the Torah” and Avinoam amazingly dispels the confusion by explaining the historical factors and providing scholarly proof! If this clarity alone comes through to the reader from the Tzimtzum Appendix, then I am happy to say that I achieved my objective in helping to mold the structure and significantly contributing to the content of this part of the book and also in having contributed to other parts of it. As Avinoam points out, this understanding of the Tzimtzum process is the key to understanding the whole of Nefesh HaChaim, how to serve God and our relationship with Him when fulfilling the Mitzvot and learning Torah. These same fundamentals are in Tanya and other Chasidic works, as Avinoam writes, therefore there’s no Machloket, dispute, between the Nefesh HaChaim and Chasidut as one will see when delving into the depth of the matter. It is important to note that the Nefesh HaChaim is one of the essential gateways to the Zohar and the Kabbalah of the Arizal. It is an excellent place for a beginner to start, but there is no shortcut to directly learning the works of the Arizal. May Nefesh HaTzimtzum be instrumental in bringing all who will read it seriously, with an open heart and mind, to the conclusion that it is long overdue for true Shalom and to realizing that all the different aspects of Klal Yisrael branch out from the same ultimate unity. Therefore, in the end, we are all in essence a unified whole (known as “Knesset Yisrael”) which reflects God’s Unity. May Klal Yisrael attain this consciousness speedily in our time that we will merit the full redemption with compassion. I sign with Honor of Torah,